Quality Policy

To meet our customer’s expectations and applicable regulatory / statutory requirements through delivery of products that reflect continual improved quality, service and reliability and maintain the effectiveness of the Quality Management System.


Provide innovative high quality electronic solutions that exceed customers current and future needs.


i3 Assembly LLC is dedicated to furthering our competitive excellence from development through production manufacturing of highly reliable Cable & Harness Assemblies; Kitting Solutions; Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA); Box Builds; Electromechanical System Solutions;  and world class Lab Services and Reliability Testing.

In pursuit of these objectives, i3 Assembly will devote resources to technology enhancement programs and resources for management to improve all of our people through continuous training.

We will accomplish these objectives through a well balanced operation. We will maintain excellent risk management and protect the environment, in a clean, organized, safe, and comfortable facility.

Strategically Aligned Technical Capabilities

Cable and Harness Assembly

Kitting Services

– Cable and Harness
– Metal Fabrication
– Hardware

Program Management Support

Lab Services and Reliability Testing

– Independent 3rd Party Lab
– Accelerated Testing
– Humidity Testing

Design Consultation & 3rd Party Partners

System-in-Package Assembly

Printed Circuit Board Assembly

Box Level Assembly

Employees: ~200

Engineering Staff: 15%+

3 Shift Capability and Capacity

Markets And Applications


Combat Vehicles
Wearable Systems
Avionics and Controls
Space and Airborne Applications
Electronic Warfare
Sensor Systems
Network Centric Systems
Unmanned Systems
RF Applications
Homeland Security
Anti-Counterfeiting & Anti-Tamper Technologies
Intelligence & Surveillance Systems


Planet / Moon Lander Vehicles
International Space Stations


Systems Cabinets
Rack and Power Distribution Assemblies
High Density Boards and Sub Assemblies

Commercial & Industrial

Automated Test Equipment
Gas & Energy Exploration
RF & Microwave
And many more


Building to and In-House Certified Trainers for:

J-STD – 001

IPC 620, Class 3

IPC 600, Class 3

IPC 610, Class 3

IPC 612, Class 3

IPC 7711 / 7721, Class 3





Organizational Affiliations

DDTC Registrant as a U.S. Manufacturer and Exporter of Defense Articles and Services

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